Saturday, April 07, 2007

Mozhi - A short Description

At one point of time i was carried away by thought that only few directors like Mani Ratnam, Shekar Kapoor, and to name a few can bring back the sense and sensibilities of Indian cinema.Only few like Adoor Gopal Krishnan can recreate the SatyajitRay act. But for past couple of years few Indian cinemas and directors have started giving life to Indian cinema by relating itself to every day Indian life.Mozhi written and directed by Radha Mohan is one among them.

Mozhi has a very simple story about how a musician(Prithiviraj) falls in love with a girl(Jyothika) who cannot speak and hear and how the hero succeeds in convincing the girl that physical disabilities should not be considered as factor of hindrance in love .The film brings in very strong message.The message is very clear that happiness of human relation do not need speech,words,and physical beauty. All it needs is matching frequencies between hearts.The message was also clear, do not treat people with physical deviations as an object of mercy but live with them as we do with others. This will help to wipe of the unavoidable inferior complexity from them and add more meaning to their life as well as ours.

Jyothika as a girl with physical deviation was at her best.It can be well assured that every matured viewer would have had imagined Archana(Jyothika) with the character not only in the movie hall but carried home the imagination of her as Archana as she truly lived with the character close to two and half hours.Kudos to director Radha Mohan, the way Jo's character was Sketched and the way she was given a scope to perform in every scene.It is as though she acted with her ears plugged and acted by only understanding the lip movements of director. Prithiviraj was sensibly loquacious as he had to speak for Jo also.Almost every character film had an opportunity to bring in realism.Bhaskar who is casted a professor with lost mind is very natural.

Sense of humour in film is enjoyable . There is not a single scene where a father in cinema hall would have twisted and turned in uneasiness,unable to sit and watch the scenes with his young son.Best thing about the movie was to see a grand old conservative lady of around 70's in movie hall enjoying through out the length of movie.The Oldsters out numbered the youngsters.This proves that the long standing justification of directors and producers wrong that films are stuffed with glamour, as it is the only way to draw crowds and lure young bloods.

The Music and re-recording by Vidyasagar was mellifluous.Re-Recording flowed smoothly along the film.The film theme is strongly based on Music and Vidya sagar does a complete justice to it.Music is not just what we hear but it is something which has to be felt ,realized by soul.This is what the director terms as Music in this film.

In one of the scenes prakash raj says "we have lot of things to learn from these people(Archana)" It should serve as a tonic to people with physical deviations.Films like these not only helps to raise hopes of people with physical deviation,it helps us to change the perspective , the way we look at these people.

Not that the film did not have commercial elements or it is a documentary movie.It had all the ingredients of commercial movie like romance,comedy, songs but they all blended to realism of what we have in everyday life.Also i feel the success of these kind of film should help to raise the hope of raring story tellers who are fighting to cope up with synthetic requirements of commercial cinema and their realistic story telling approach.

I do not want to say that the film was perfect 10 out of 10 ,but i feel its better to appreciate these films, make cinema more creative.The best experience about the film is we can learn few basics of sign language ,May be useful enough to understand and help the cause of few.


gus said...

Cool Blog..Liked the crisp review and the insights Gr8 job dude..Keep them coming!

Sriram said...

Nice da !!! .u have etched ur review superbly..Gr8

Sud said...

Thanks a lot Gus.Will try to post more.

Sud said...

Thanks a lot da Rama

Anonymous said...
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Barani said...

Good Job Buddy !! Nicely written. you covered everything here. Defly It was a huge sigh of relief to see such a refreshing movie.

Keep them coming,


Balaji said...

I got to see this movie...haven't seen it till now.

priti said...

Good Review there....a good movie like this was long overdue in the history of Tamil cinema...rightly said about people with physical disabilities...they dont need the pity of people around them but all the support that they can get so they can be like just anybody else in the world..Overall a good movie..konjam dragging avoid pannirukkalam at the end...:)

Sud said...

@ Barani

Thanks da..


Balaji anna if u find sometime see the movie, u will like the movie ..

Thanks for reading ,yes..,more these movies are made,perfection will get better and better.:-)

priti said...

Perfection for you writing reviews?? or for ppl making movies??? ..Psst..I was jus kiddin :)