Thursday, March 20, 2008 - :-))))

Its been quite few months, since I have been thinking on dream of Web Technology to introduce Online Operating system. Though, some of the smaller research centers have come up with a prototype, ( its been in the news that Google is coming up with a new robust online Operating System. But I am trying to understand, what really the term Online Operating System is going to mean.

Now this is what we may forsee as an Online Operating System. When I key in "" its going to show me a Login page which would take me to my Online Home Page Settings (like the Desktop settings). This stands fine, but my question is

1. To Key In "", I need either a browser or some other connectivity medium, which could help me navigate to the Online Operating System.

2. Now this browser needs to run as an desktop application in my system.

3. For this desktop browser application, we would still require a base application(our installed Operating System) in the Machine. It could be a small Light weight OS which gets initiated by the Bootstrapper and loader.

So finally we end up saying, hey there is going to be smaller version of OS or RTOS installed, up and running in our machine, which would take us to the complete Online Operating System.

Fair enough, now this worries me more with few more questions.
1. Lets assume, over the next five years, the Internet connectivity speeds reach all time high of 10 Gbps for a home user. Also lets assume that every Application of the Online OS will be built using the concepts like AJAX which could provide quick response to user action simulating the experience of Desktop operating system. But to what extent, is it going to match the performance of our current desktop system. Every year, the processor speeds are exceeding the Moore's law. Will a dedicated user of Online OS, expect the same performance of system as the Desktop system.

2. One fine day, a Submarine moves tangentially over the Fiber optic Internet cable running from Florida to Chennai? So all the users of system are devoid of an Operating system for next couple of weeks? Oh... thats going to be a nightmare and I do expect the animal in Man to be exposed during this horror.

The title for this blog was a dream that Windows Operating system has a web version, free of cost. :-))) .

Let me know your thoughts on what could be the result and solution to this....
